Industrial Site I
- Interstate Highway Access - 2 miles south of I-20
- Rail Access - Kansas City Southern Railroad adjacent to the site
- Other Highways - On U.S. Highway 80
- Owner - Town of Arcadia
- Land Cost/Acre - 69 Acres / $2500 per acre / price negotiable upon job creation
- Existing Structures - One new company on 4.5 acres
- Zoning - Zoned for industrial use only
- Real Estate Tax Formula - 5.68 m/15% Ten year suspension of taxes
- Municipal Incentives Available - Arcadia is a “Renewal Community” with five different federal tax credits available with other state tax incentives
- Floodway or Critical Flood Zone - Not in a flood zone
- Electrical Service Providers - Entergy, Claiborne Electric Co-Op
- Natural Gas Provider - Centerpoint Energy / 4” main
- Water Provider - Town of Arcadia Water Department
- Nearest Main Location/Size (Water) - 8” main
- Capacity Available (Water) - 1.5 million gallons per day
- Sewer Provider - Town of Arcadia
- Capacity Available (Sewer) - 500,000 gallons per day
- Telephone Provider - AT&T